Monday, 3 November 2008

Nano Modern Myth 1.1.3

Two extracts from part 3 of Year 1, Chapter 1. The first is by request of Quoth The Raven. It's because I couldn't be bothered to justify the role of my Policeman 1.0 character. The second one is more normal.

Euan turned and headed in the direction of the lights, picking an off-track route amongst the undergrowth. They pushed their way through a patch of bracken and burst out onto a tarmac road. Striding forward with more confidence they found a police car pulled up further down the road, an officer was stood by the open door, talking on the radio. They stumbled up to him and he put the radio back.
“What’s happening?” Euan asked his voice still hoarse from the smoke.
“You need to evacuate the area,” the officer replied. “There’s an evacuation point further down the road.”
“Thank you,” Penny replied. “Come on, Euan we’d better head there and see if we can find the others.”
“An officer will have to take a statement from you. Because I’m trying to imply that there’s been a crime and shit.”
“Oh na,” said Penny.


“Come with me,” Ronan gestured, flicking the end of his cigarette away into the undergrowth.
“You should be careful with that,” Felix told him, indicating the smouldering cigarette butt. “You could start a fire.”
Ronan fixed him with a look and merely smiled.
“So what are you going to show me?” Felix asked, glancing around himself restlessly.
“It’s over here,” Ronan replied, heading in the direction of the fire.
Felix wondered briefly whether this was such a good idea. It wasn’t a fear he would articulate to Ronan, however. They walked for quite a long time until they reached the edge of the char line where the fire had burnt and then passed onwards. Felix hesitated slightly at the line, but then followed Ronan over. The ground was still slightly hot under foot and some willowy saplings were still covered in glowing orange veins over the black char.
“There,” Ronan stated, pointing at the ground.
He was pointing at a bundle of charred hair and bone, which at some point would have formed the body of an animal.
“Stupid sheep. Panicked in the fire. Ran straight into the blaze,” Ronan pulled out another cigarette and stuck it into his mouth.
Felix looked down silently at the smoking remains and then at Ronan, who was taking a long drag on his cigarette. Ronan handed the cigarette over to him and Felix took a long draw. He handed the cigarette back, the strong tobacco catching slightly in his throat. Ronan merely smiled.


Quoth the Raven said...

Could not stop laughing at that policeman... Although, it's a definite demonstration of just how rushed these will be until the December Edits. You should, however, retain that line.

I infer that Ronan is one of these baddies you hear so much about. I wouldn't trust him anywhere.

Jom said...

I love Policeman 1.0. What a stupid sheep and Ronan is F-scary. My opinion summarised in sound byte. What a firestarter. A twisted firestarter. I bet he kills a million people by fire and death. The nutter.

Steffan said...

I like the change of tone. Though the swearing from Policeman 1.0 snapped me out of it a bit, before I realised what you meant by "Policeman 1.0". Made it read oddly. Funny, though.