Saturday, 20 August 2011

Aadita's Diary

The Scribblers are coming.

That should be exciting. The highlight of the school. Most of them are celebrating. The celebrity visit.

It reminds me of the Royal Wedding. Our entire street was decked out in Union Jacks - they'd painted the pavement red, blue and white. And my parents insisted we stay inside and watch old videos. They sent a letter to my school making sure I was exempt from celebrating "that joke", as they called it. And the teachers didn't understand, and the other kids thought I was weird.

It's like that now. The rest of them are getting the welcome banners ready. And I'm sure this is the beginning of the end.

I love this school. But it started when Rupert Campbell arrived. He wouldn't talk to anyone, he was so grumpy all the time. But then he talked to me. I have no idea why he trusted me, but he filled me in.

Six classes. One for each Scribbler.

Six tutors. Each with powers suspiciously similar to the Scribblers'. Each one teaching classes with similar powers.

I can use my powers to affect people's minds. So can every other kid in my class. I'm the top of my class. Everyone knows it. I've been allowed to choose a nickname - I'm Back-up. I've been allowed in the underground corridors far more often than anyone else. They're not just teaching me. They're preparing me.

I think that's why Rupert came to me first. But it's not just us - there's Beth too. She's been such a good friend to me at this place. I had to tell her. Rupert agreed. So that's us. Three of us against the conspiracy.

We've got our eyes on a few others. There's Zhou, the Chinese kid. I'm not allowed to see him. They say it's because of my powers, but I think he knows something, and it could compromise them all.

There's Rhian and Mike. I had them down as sheep, like the rest of them. Rhian didn't speak, Mike's Mr Popular. But since we learned the Scribblers are coming, Mike's stuck to her like glue. She's talking more than ever. And no-one believes me, but one night, I saw Mike down in the underground corridors - and he had her teddy bear with her. That's earth-shattering.

Everyone knows there's something up with that bear. It's not just a comfort blanket. I heard her talking once. I imagined she'd sound like a simpleton, but she's hard. She's confident and knows exactly what she's doing. Why would someone like that still cling to a bear like it's part of her?

Rupert thinks the bear does something to her powers. Boosts them, or something. Beth reckons there's a machine inside the bear that hides her - from people like Finesse.

I think they're both wrong. I think there's information in that bear. Maps? Stats? Letters? Something. Hidden in that stuffing is something incredibly valuable. And I think Mike knows what it is.

Whatever happens when the Scribblers come, I don't think the school will ever be the same again. Rupert doesn't think there'll even be a school. He can't wait - he's got a whole life waiting for him back home. Beth's torn, but she's got her friends and family too.

I don't think I could bear it without this place. I can't go back now. Not after this. I know what I'd do.

We'd go underground. Me, Rupert and Beth. Zhou if we can get him. Maybe Mike and Rhian. Six of us. Top of each class - the number one students. Whatever this place is, it's not just a school. They're preparing for something. Good or evil? In any case, they need us. Which means we have to cut loose.

This will be my last diary entry. I'm leaving the book here in case anyone finds it. Read through the old entries, and you'll learn everything you need to know about the school. Its pupils. Its teachers.

And its name. The name no-one even says out loud; the name that's removed from official documents.

The Monastery.

1 comment:

Blossom said...

OOOOOOOOOH! That was CHILLING!!!! SO exciting!!! So it really is looking like an evil trap, now, but if they have the best kids as allies?? Oh, I can't WAIT to see how this pans out!