Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Dawn of the Daleks - 9-12


Blossom said...

Wow, that is almost incomprehensable if you accidentally read it all backwards! Good though - love the poeple hiding in Daleks!

Jom said...

Ha ha! This is more of an exercise in drawing and production than writing. Basically, the rule is there are at least two or three phantom or missing pages for every one that exists - basically, there's the bare minimum of information there for it to make sense but no more. Everything else is just a bonus.

"There are Daleks, the Daleks are zombies and some other stuff happens." An accurate summary of events and my attitude towards it.

Quoth the Raven said...

Hmm. I'm not crazy about the nippleage in that last panel, you whore. And I'm even less crazy about the previously strong soldier!woman being given a son. That irritated me a bit, actually. But I did like the Doctor doing the washing up, and I adored that up shot of the Daleks rising out of the swamp/sewers/spooge. Remarkably atmospheric.

Jom said...

Apologies - I wanted a kid asking the Doctor about the Daleks. The words shoe and horn spring to mind. Never mind. I'm glad you like the art though.

Steffan said...

Didn't pick up on him being her son. What an idiot I am! I just assumed survivors banded together.

Still, liked this lots. Ian in a Dalek is one of my favourite, so I love that reference. And I laughed at the gratui-nipple.