So, I thought I'd just write a series of these, as they occur to me. If I remember to actually do them they'll mostly be about just small moments in the Scribblers' lives, done in prose rather than script. The tone in each will probably differ wildly, but there we are. Other people should feel free to add to these.
It was a friendship forged almost out of necessity, really. Her mother was Allergic to animals and so wouldn't have them in the house; therefore the first time Shift ever absorbed the genetic sequence of another creature it was both accidental and a squirrel in a complicated anecdote involving the playground antics of Year Nines. Fortunately, no one else was around when the shock of suddenly having the excess DNA caused Shift to spontaneously transform both body and mind and scamper wildly up the nearest tree to tremble and think about acorns except Finesse, so the biggest headache was averted right there. Unfortunately, Finesse's own powers were still unrefined at the time, and she required physical contact to activate them. Saving Shift, therefore, became an entertainingly complicated ordeal in which Finesse had to rather hurriedly refine her tree-climbing powers, and ultimately both were only saved by the pile of gym mats Finesse had wisely thought to place beneath the tree.
Ultimately both learned the fine details of their powers, but the friendship stuck anyway. Shift was somehow immune to the usual tinnitus people developed after listening to Finesse's opinion on something, while Finesse's ears seemed somehow permanently attuned to the uniquely quiet wavelengths of Shift's voice. It was a working system.
Also they were united by their theory that the school was being run by a terrorist cell posing as the Deputy Heads, a theory that was erroneously dismissed until its tragic conclusion a few years later. Conjoined smugness makes a wonderful glue for friendship.
This is bloody brilliant! The more of these the better!
There seems to be a line of text missing near the beginning. Possibly copy and paste has gone awry.
I want more of these vignettes! More I say!
This is lovely! Brilliant stuff. And it's funny reading some Scribblers in prose. Makes me wonder why I'm sweating blood to script it.
More of these! This, I command.
Princess Irulan strikes again. Good stuff.
No, there's no line missing; I just wrote it in a hurry, and was distracted by us going through our old NoteBooks from School at the time, so I didn't spare it a second glance before throwing it onto ScribblePit for everyone to wince at my running sentences. Like that one.
If you want more, write a few yourselves. Or just give me ideas for some in quick soundbite form, like 'The day Amity won the poker,' or 'The time Lyric was upset about Event X and Shift comforted him' or whatever.
And I'll have you know, Jom, I've never in my life covertly drugged someone to stop them conceiving.
This is brilliant! Lovely idea! It has the same appeal as the scenes where you see James, Sirius and co. in Potter - little enticing flashes into the past. :-)
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