Friday, 2 January 2009

Carnival: Crossover 1 of 8


Blossom said...

This is awesome, BTW - can't wait for the next one! Love the voices and how clear it is which is which!

Quoth the Raven said...

Killing myself laughing! House of Janus! Twins! Of course! Utterly supurb. I'll admit I sighed a bit at the 'eight months later' aspect, but that's purely personal choice; I've never been a fan of stories that jump around their chronology (and yes, I'm also looking at you, Homer.) Much love for Helen's swirly swirly cloak, also.

Jom said...

The time jump is a bit of a deliberate conceit for the time being because the actual Carnival day has a different ending and I wanted this bit to be seperate.

Jester said...

I love all the Carnival stuff. Although, if you're going to do a side-story, you might as well use Captain Rat. I have an abiding fondness for him.

I liked Helen's swirly cloak too- I thought that was particularly pretty.

Steffan said...

I have no problem with jumping around in time if they're self-contained stories. Or at all, actually, unless they're bad stories, in which case quality is more of a problem than time jumpy fun.

Enough discussion of this! Really exciting scene. Love the angles, and the pace.