Saturday, 23 February 2013

Scribblers: Escapes!

Scribblers: Escapes!

1.  EXT.  Gaolhouse Rock Exercise Yard.  Day 1 - 1708

An exercise yard, full of SUPERVILLAINS exercising in orange jumpsuits with a colour-coded waist stripe. Most are wearing power inhibitor collars, each with a glowing blue light. To one side the seven RAINBOW WARRIORS are playing handball against the FROZEN EMPERORS, LONDON FOG and GRANITE, a game that occasionally devolves into mindless fisticuffs until the GUARDS separate them with pokey sticks. AWKWARD DISTANCE MAN is watching/getkting in the way. DARK SUPER SKELETON, the HUMAN APPLE and ALIEN DAVE are muttering dreams of revenge in a corner; in another, GUTTER PRESS is huddled, weeping and ignored. Exercise equipment is being used by PRONOUN, PEGGINGTON, DARK HAND and some RAINBOW SOLDIERS.

At the end of the yard, COOL BOX is sitting at a chess board, glaring in an imperial-but-loser fashion at the pieces. MEDIUM approaches and sits opposite him, watching him with a small, sharp smile.

                                COOL BOX (disdainfully)
                What - ? Oh. It's you. Still looking, then.

As he speaks, a small caption appears in the panel beside him.

Name: Cool Box
Power: Production and manipulation of an ice-like substance
Threat Level: Yellow

                Seeing. A small but important distinction. Are you playing against yourself?

Name: Medium
Power: To see what is hidden.
Threat Level: Red

                Of course. No one in this hole could keep up with a privately-educated mind.

                The white side will lose in twelve moves, or the black in either six or eight depending on the white bishop. State school, before you ask.

Coolbox glares. Medium shrugs dismissively.

                                COOL BOX
                Do you just make it your goal to spoiler things for everyone?

                Sometimes. If I'm bored.

                                COOL BOX
                That's so - !

He stops, as a silence suddenly envelops the yard. A TALL, BROAD MAN, long face, long white hair and fevered, glassy eyes has entered, trailed by two ALERT GUARDS. He looks around at the silent, watching villains and smiles, his eyes blazing, before nodding to the guards. He leaves again.

There is a collective exhale, as people resume their activities.

                                COOL BOX (fascinated)
                Who on earth was that?!

                Want some advice on surviving in here?

                                COOL BOX

                Whatever allegiances, whatever enemies you make while you're here, remember this, Ice Boy -

                                COOL BOX
                My name -

                Stay the hell away from Frenzy. As far as you can.

He shifts uncomfortably at her intensity. She watches him.

                                COOL BOX
                Right. Fine. Thanks.

                Information is power. And you can pay me back right now. I hear you spent time with the Scribblers recently?

                Oh, that. Yes. I'd have beaten them, too, if it hadn't been for me being, um, two people at the time.

                With two pairs of eyes.

She looks at him hard.

                What did you see?


2.  INT.  City Hall, Main Conference Room.  Day 1 - 1708

A large conference room, with plush velvet curtains and long windows, a bit Victorian-era. In the middle is a long table and lined with chairs. FINESSE, COMMISSIONER MORGAN, the new FIRST MINISTER (late 50s, thoughtful, learned), MR OSWALD and various other MPs and people of importance are sitting around the table. There is a holo-display in the middle, floating just high enough that they can see each other; currently, information files on Sintaro and Niobe are displayed.

                                FIRST MINISTER
                And this is all the concrete evidence so far?

                Yes, sir. Although we have a fair amount of educated conjecture, based on prior experience and the odd villainous monologue.

                                FIRST MINISTER
                My word, do they really do that?

                                FINESSE (with feeling)

                                MR OSWALD (archly)
                Really? That seems somewhat unlikely.

                                FINESSE (calmly)
                So many things do if you have no experience of them whatsoever.

                                COMMISSIONER MORGAN
                Silence all. I have no patience for snark. Are any other Scribblers available today for their input?



3.  INT.  The Pit Living Room.  Day 1 - 1130 (Flashback)

FINESSE, CHRONAL, AMITY, DOG, SHIFT and WRAITH are chillin'. LYRIC enters, carrying GEORGE (a baby). Wraith looks up, and vanishes.

                Hey kids. So, Axiom has given me George to look after today -

Finesse screams and runs out.


4.  INT.  City Hall, Main Conference Room.  Day 1 - 1708

Continued from Scene 2.

                Maybe Wraith?

                                COMMISSIONER MORGAN

                Fair enough.


5.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock Security Centre.  Day 1 - 1714

A room containing three SECURITY GUARDS and several long banks of monitor screens showing every single room in the prison; other screens show the power outputs of the prison, the status of the inhibitor collars, the status of the communication link with the mainland, and so on.

                                GUARD #1
                Nearly quarter past. Better do the checks.

She moves to the nearest screen, and activates the sound. On it, we see a plain room with ARMED GUARDS around the edges, a BESPECTACLED PSYCHIATRIST sitting in a chair and a HUGE, BESTIAL MAN shackled onto a psychiatrist's couch.

                                BESPECTACLED PSYCHIATRIST
                And what made you want to eat him, Cannibal? What were you thinking at the time?

                                CANNIBAL (harsh grunts)
                Swings, w'un it?

                                BESPECTACLED PSYCHIATRIST
                He'd been on the swings?

                Never been on swings. Wanted to know what it felt like.

The next screen shows FRENZY being escorted back to his cell; another shows a library, with TOXIC sitting at a desk idly reading, ignoring various other VILLAINS behind her; another shows a secure vault-like room, its bound occupant a huge, hulking shadow within, with the words LORD PEGASUS - CONTAINMENT SECURE across the screen; and others. The Guard nods, and glances at her colleagues.

                                GUARD #1
                All accounted for here, Lord Pegasus is still down, and Cannibal is disgusting. You guys?

                                GUARD #2
                Yeah, we're good. Hey, anyone see the rugby on the weekend?

They chat on, and don't notice the screens in the corner. Three suddenly cut out for a few seconds and then flicker back on, showing looped footage from ten minutes ago; and at the end of the row a progress bar appears below the words UPLOADING - PLEASE WAIT. It speedily reaches 100%, and information starts flickering across the screen.


6.  EXT.  Gaolhouse Rock Exercise Yard.  Day 1 - 1714

Continued from Scene 1. Medium suddenly looks up, staring at the cameras intently, and then smiles slightly and returns to the conversation.

                Called the Monastery?

                                COOL BOX
                Yes. No idea what or where it is, though, bloody Finesse went and threw me back together in my cell before they went there.

                Doesn't matter. All I'd need is a map. But she was scared?

                                COOL BOX
                Not - she sort of... froze for a second. Lyric and the weak Shift didn't.
                Look, are we done? I have a chess game here that you've gone and spoilered for me -

                We're done. I lied, by the way.

She stands, and moves the black queen into check.


                                COOL BOX
                What?! But how did - ?!

                I really have no more time to spare.

She leaves, her stride confident. Cool Box looks sadly at his little game.


7.  THE PIT - LIVING ROOM.  Day 1 - 1715

CHRONAL, AMITY, DOG, SHIFT and LYRIC are gathered on the floor with GEORGE, surrounded by a small landscape of baby toys, blankets and books. Currently George is in Shift's arms, looking as bemused as a baby can while Chronal tries to take him from her. Lyric is muttering a new toy into being. Amity is reading one of the books.

                I just don't see why a younger audience means you have to forgo proper stucture.

                Because he can't read or speak yet.

                That's no excuse. It's just the word 'Look' on every page.

                Except the last one -

                I refuse to accept the phrase 'Look in here!' as a plot resolution, Lyric.

                You just don't like it because you can't ship any characters.

                My turn now?

                No! We agreed! Five-minute turns each with the adorable baby! And I know you know it hasn't been five minutes, Time Boy.

                But he's so adorable! I want him now! Hey, can we keep him?

                Yes! Let's keep him!

                I think Finesse and Wraith would leave the team.


8.  INT.  The Pit - The Pit - Communications Room.  Day 1 - 1715

A lived-in looking room full of computers and communications devices and the like. It also contains tidy amounts of clutter, a small forest of used mugs on the side and some squashy beanbags on the floor. WRAITH is sitting on a spinny chair, idly trolling 4chan while drawing character designs in a sketchpad. Occasionally, he mutters to himself.

                Because it's transphobic and sexist, snowflake. Have him boiled.

A screen to his left lights up suddenly, and he blinks and looks across. Gaolhouse Rock is depicted on it with the message "WARNING - SIGNAL BLOCKED" flashing up -

- which then vanishes. Wraith looks at it steadily for a moment, then sighs as though hard done by and pushes his chair over to it.

                Yes, yes. I'll check it. It's like everyone else is looking after a baby or something.

He types at a keyboard, and a screen displays all of the data for the prison. Wraith scans it, and then types again; lines of code appear. He stares for a few seconds.

                Hmm. Most irregular.


9.  EXT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Library.  Day 1 - 1715

A long, open room filled with low bookshelves and intermittent GUARDS patrolling the edges. VILLAINS are sitting at the tables in the middle, reading or talking quietly about their greatest superhero defeats; TOXIC (34, ruthless, coarse) is reading Perfume alone but near to ALIEN DAVE (short, alien-looking, tool), GREGORY THOUGHT (wannabe mad professor) and PRONOUN (Scottish, sly). At the far end of the room lurks POINT 34 (60s, cruel, sadistic), aloofly looking over a bookshelf.

MEDIUM enters. She doesn't look around but moves straight to Point 34, her movements calm but swift.

                Good evening. Point 34, I presume?

Name: Point 34
Power: None; use of a suit of robotised armour that allows super strength, flight and energy blasts.
Threat Level: Red

                                POINT 34 (sneering)
                That's right. And you are?

Medium smiles.

                A job offer. And you decide right now.


10.  EXT.  Gaolhouse Rock Exercise Yard.  Day 1 - 1708

Continued from Scene 1.

Suddenly, the lights die. Prisoners look up as the back-up lights kick in -

And die too -

Followed by the small lights on the power inhibitor collars. Coolbox yelps as he ices the board suddenly -

London Fog stumbles into her gaseous form for a second before resolidifying, looking surprised -

And they all turn, and look at the guards.


11.  INT.  City Hall, Main Conference Room.  Day 1 - 1716

The holo-screens are displaying information on T.O.R.Y. - currently, COMMISSIONER MORGAN is glaring at a copy of the Goon Contract and berating it, the FIRST MINISTER listening attentively. MR OSWALD occasionally shoots a sneer at FINESSE, who ignores him.

                                COMMISSIONER MORGAN
                But it means that he's legally covered. These contracts protect him against both the brain-washing and the addictive side-effects. I loathe them.

                                FIRST MINISTER
                Yes. Odd how many of them are turning to this as a career, though, isn't it? Body modification, mental programming... and I mean, as goons they are expected to kill, surely?

                                MR OSWALD
                Nothing wrong with that. So are soldiers, and they're heroes!

                That spectacular non-sequitur aside - yes, sir. Unfortunately, we have a structure in which villainy pays and heroism doesn't. My husband has graphs.

                                FIRST MINISTER
                Ooh, really? I love graphs! Can - ?

Finesse's communicator sounds and she sighs.

                Excuse me. Yes?

                                WRAITH('s voice)
                Er, you know Gaolhouse Rock? And how it needs electricity to live? So all the villains stay?

                Please tell me -

                                WRAITH('s voice)
                The signal was disrupted and then it was fine, so I checked the code, and it's been changed but I don't have the original to compare to see how, but then I hacked their feed and the security footage is being looped but there's something weird about the power outputs. Does that mean it's dead?

                Oh, lordy. I'm on my way. You're needed, Commissioner.

                                COMMISSIONER MORGAN
                Excellent. Is there time for explanations?

                On the way, yeah. Sorry sir.

They stand and leave; as they pass the door, the phones of everyone in the room begin to ring.


12.  INT.  The Pit - Living Room.  Day 1 - 1716

Continued from Scene 7. Chronal is playing with George, while Shift transforms her face into various animals to amuse him. Lyric is sitting nearby, watching him in bemusement.

                I just didn't realise you love babies so much.
                Or that Finesse hates them so much.

                Yes, parenting is going to become a complicated endevor for us. We're hopeful she'll like any kids of ours by the time they're about seven.

WRAITH enters.

                Hey guys. I think Gaolhouse Rock has stopped.

                What?! It's stopped?
                Like the song?

                Yeah. I had to use my pro hacking skillz. Finesse says you have to come too.

                I can't. I have to look after George.

                So do -

                It's changed our records. Like, ours. Here in Da Pit.


                                SHIFT (blankly)
                Put the baby down and get up, you saddo.

Chronal blurs, and George is suddenly in Lyric's arms, Chronal on his feet.

                Trans-Jet in 30 seconds. I'm getting the current inmate lists; let's hope those haven't been changed.

He vanishes. Shift looks longingly at George.

                Can't he come - ?



13.  EXT (sort of).  TV Screen .  Day 1 - 1724

A shot of Gaolhouse Rock from above and to one side, beamed live from a news helicopter. It looks mostly calm if unlit, but a closer look shows a lot of people running through the few open courtyards, and the occasional window suddenly lit up by a flash of light within.

                                REPORTER (v/o)
                Live from Gaolhouse Rock! I'm Hyperbole Rees! It's only been a few minutes since this terrifying scene on your screen, but already some minute but probably consequencial things have happened! The Trans-Jet arrived thirty seconds ago and parked on the mainland away from the prison! Some Scribblers have gone in - it looked to this reporter like Finesse, Amity, Wraith and Capten Cymru! But this is unconfirmed!

                                NEWSCASTER IN STUDIO (v/o)
                Hyperbole, can you tell us if anyone is dead yet?

                                HYPERBOLE REES (v/o)
                No I can't, Dai, but if you'll allow me a moment of professional conjecture, I'd say loads.

                                DAI (v/o)
                There you have it, viewers. Loads may be dead. And so far, the police have not been forthcoming about the current inmate roster - IS THIS A CONSPIRACY? Brought to you live, from Gaolhouse Rock.


14.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Entrance Hall.  Day 1 - 1725

A starkly-decorated room, about thirty feet square, including the reception desk (now broken and destroyed), multiple security scanners and gates (now broken and destroyed) and various doors (now sans hinges). VILLAINS are fighting each other pettily on their way to the massive front doors, settling old grievances as they escape. DAGGER MAN enters through a side door, weedy and harrassed and wearing a blue waist stripe.

Name: Dagger Man
Power: None; occasional use of a set of robotic arms which end in kitchen implements
Threat Level: Blue

He dodges the fighting villains and scuttles to the door -

Which slams open to reveal CHRONAL, with FINESSE, SHIFT, AMITY and WRAITH behind him, knocking Dagger Man squealing into the OCTOGENARIANS, who promptly beat him about the head.

Name: The Octogenarians
Power: All four members have super speed and strength
Threat Level: Yellow

                                OCTOGENARIAN #1
                A disaffected youth!!

                                OCTOGENARIAN #2
                Of today!!!!

                Oh, dash.

                Okay, I've checked and - hang on, do you say 'dash' now?


He zips away to punch LASER FACE on the other side of the room.

                Saddo. Guys, this isn't the full inmate list - there are definitely fewer names than there should be. And unless there have been a lot of surprising bails that we haven't been told about, all of the white ranked names are gone.

                But that means -

                Maximum Security. Dammit. Right, I'll go there -

                Hur hur. "Go."

                Deviant. Solar is en route to help get the inhibitor collars powered up again, we just need to hold everyone down until she does. Also this is the exit they'll all come to, Chronal should stay here.

                Aw, what? Okay, but you'd better not have fun without me.

                Fine. Shift, Wraith, pick a direction and move in; Amity, you're on containment.

                Really? Yay! What?

                I want these people down and out, understand? And if that means a prison full of hysterically and debilitatingly weeping villains, so be it. Fix them later.

                Yes, I suppose.

She looks at ALLERGY LAD, running forwards -

He looks at her, screams and runs away. Amity sighs sadly, and moves into the building.


15.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Side Corridor.  Day 1 - 1725
A long, narrow corridor with various doors. The FROZEN EMPERORS are having a slappy hands fight as they keep getting stuck along it, since it isn't wide enough for five abreast; GUTTER PRESS and AWKWARD DISTANCE MAN are racing along in front, heading for the exit -

                                WRAITH('s voice)
                Everyone stop being rebasses.

Enter WRAITH at the end of the corridor, looking menacing. Gutter Press bursts into tears.

Name: Gutter Press
Power: Lying
Threat Level: Blue

                                GUTTER PRESS
                Not you! Not you!

He runs away.

                Cool. Hey, the rest of you should do that too.

                                AWKWARD DISTANCE MAN
                Not a chance, Scribbler!

Name: Awkward Distance Man
Power: To make himself and objects be at awkward distances
Threat Level: Green

And suddenly, he's right in Wraith's face! Swings a punch -

Wraith ducks back -

Into the optimum punching range, unfortunately. He staggers back -

Awkward Distance Man is too close again, swinging another punch -

Wraith moves forward instead to headbutt him -

Awkward Distance Man is suddenly slightly too far back, Wraith's skull only grazing him. Wraith glares.

                Right, Awkward Dick Stance Man -

                                AWKWARD DISTANCE MAN
                Hey, it's - !

Wraith throws up a hand -

And Awkward Distance Man's eyes become invisible!

                                AWKWARD DISTANCE MAN
                Argh! I'm blind! What have you done?!?

Wraith punches him in the face -

Kicks him in the stomach -

And drops him to the floor, out cold, and lying uncomfortably close to Wraith. He looks up. The Frozen Emperors finally unstick themselves and watch him, warily.

Name: The Frozen Emperors
Power: Cryokinesis
Threat Level: Orange

                Well, this is awkward.

He blinks, and five Wraiths appear in the corridor.

                Lol. Get it?


16.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Library.  Day 1 - 1726

The library is in mild chaos; the GUARDS are now either unconscious, severely injured or dead, lying about, while around six villains have crowded in; ALIEN DAVE, GREGORY THOUGHT, PRONOUN, RINGTONE (middle-aged, bad toupee, too camp to function), THE PIPE CLEANER (rangy, sad) and WALL BOY (an anthropomorphic wall). They are attempting to tear the bars from the windows to escape. At the table in the centre of the room sits TOXIC still; the book is open in front of her, but she's watching the others' attempts interestedly as she removes the now-inactive inhibitor collar.

Name: Alien Dave
Power: "alien"- looking physiology.
Threat Level: Green

Name: Gregory Thought
Power: Mind control triggered through eye contact.
Threat Level: Yellow

Name: Pronoun
Power: A shapeshifter able to utterly fool both organisms and technology into believing whatever shape she is in.
Threat Level: Red

Name: Wall Boy
Power: Physiology of a wall with hands and feet. Can colour the surface of his wall at will.
Threat Level: Blue

SHIFT enters.

                Villains! Cease your villainy! This is a library!

                Oh fuck me no! A Scribbler!

                                WALL BOY
                Let's fight her!

                Probably the stupidest thing I ever heard. Interesting.

                You know, I really hope to never say this again -

She shifts into a Shire horse and kicks out -

Wall Boy is suddenly on his flat wall-back, kicking uselessly like a turtle -

And Shift morphs human again.

                But I agree with Toxic.

Pronoun transforms into Wraith -

And Toxic puts down her book and stands, sauntering casually forward, dropping the removed collar to the floor as she goes.

                Dude, why are you attacking me?

                                SHIFT (brightly)
                Because I hate you the most! Aren't you supposed to be downstairs?

                Oh yeah. Laterz.

He leaves. Toxic reaches the group, and moves confidently to stand between Shift and the other five, who have helped Wall Boy up and are now tensing up, ready to fight.

Name: Toxic
Power: Biological production of liquid and gaseous toxins and venoms via pores and glands, and barbed stingers in the wrists; products range in strength, but capable of killing at full strength. Can also produce antidotes to her own venoms. Immune to all known poisons.
Threat Level: Orange

                                GREGORY THOUGHT
                But we can defeat you together, Scribbler! Just look into my eyes!

                                SHIFT (sagely)
                No, because that is a ridiculous attempt to fight someone.

                                GREGORY THOUGHT
                Look into - !


                Shut up everyone or I'll kill you all.

There is a pause, as they become aware of the green haze hanging around the villains.

                                ALIEN DAVE
                What are you killing us for?!

                What are you on about? You're a bargaining chip.

                                THE PIPE CLEANER
                But... we're villains too!

                Huh. I reckon you've mistaken heroism and villainy for teams, there.

                Ah. She's got you there. Um.

                What? Clearly Scribblers were going to arrive. I'm not stupid. But also, love, your best mate's a psycho if you lot get injured too bad, we all know it. So I'm threatening them, and that's why you'll let me leave.

                Well actually -

She shifts! Becoming a swallow and darting to her -

Morphs human -

Punches Toxic -

Who staggers -

And Gregory Thought cries out, staggering, the haze solidifying around his head. Shift pauses, and Toxic laughs.

                I'm also making the antidote! Distract me too much -

Shift moves to attack again -

A spray of acid jets from Toxic's wrist -

Shift dodges, snakey -

It heads for Wall Boy!

Shift speeds to him as a bee -

And the spray hits a rhino, hissing but sliding off the plated skin. It becomes a tiger and leaps -

And a barb slides out of Toxic's other wrist, lashes at Shift's ribs -

Who moves -

And it sweeps through her fur.


17.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Main Corridor. Day 1 - 1726

A long corridor with multiple passages and doors leading off it. Inside is chaos - MONICA DEATH, CAPTAIN FAST and the DISSECTOR are all fighting each other to get through a doorway, while the GRAVEDIGGER runs past straight through a wall and away through another. Guards are lying unconscious or dead about the place; the body of one is drying and shrivelling in the hands of BLOOD GIRL, who is powering up with it. UGLY UGLY MAN knocks over a RAINBOW WARRIOR, and gets promptly blasted away by another -

Enter AMITY.                    

                Goodness. No, Blood Girl. Just no.

                                BLOOD GIRL
                Oh, shush. Do you know how much I've just absorbed, Scribbler?

Name: Blood Girl
Power: Enhanced speed, strength, durability and agility from blood absorption
Threat Level: Orange

She turns and rushes at Amity, all super-speedy and ultra strong -

Amity sighs and holds up a hand -

And Blood Girl stops dead in the hallway and just screams.

And screams.

The Rainbow Warriors stare in horror.

Name: The Rainbow Warriors
Power: An ability each loosely based on their colour; pyrokinesis, telekinesis, bioelectrogenesis, geokinesis, cryokinesis, hydrokinesis and teleportation.
Threat Level: Red

                                VIOLET WARRIOR
                The hell did you do to her?!

                You know, it brings me absolutely no joy to do this sort of thing, so I'm going to ask all of you very nicely right now. Please go back to your cells.

                                ORANGE WARRIOR
                No! Oh, no. There are seven of us, and others! We can take you!

He holds up a hand -

Violet Warrior teleports behind her -

And Amity rolls her eyes and flicks a hand irritably.

As one, Orange, Yellow and Blue all burst into tears, inconsolable, and the others sprint to their sides frantically.

                Right, fine then. Throw your chance of happiness back in my face. It's only several hours of overtime fixing you all later...

                                GREEN WARRIOR (almost as hysterical as them)
                Oh god! It's okay guys, I swear! We'll get through this!

                                INDIGO WARRIOR (desperate)
                It'll be okay! It will!

Amity glares at them in their huddle for a moment and then marches past them and a still-screaming Blood Girl. Monica Death and Captain Fast flee at her approach. The Dissector moves meekly back into his cell, and closes the door.

                                AMITY (dark mutter)
                Damn villains.

She brightens, and activates the comm.

                Game time! Nine down, am I in the lead?


18.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Entrance Hall.  Day 1 - 1729

VILLAINS are lying about, bruised and unconscious and the like. CHRONAL is in the middle of fighting the OCTOGENARIANS, one of whom has somehow managed to get hold of a handbag from somewhere and is attempting to beat him with it, although his super speed is better than theirs.

                                OCTOGENARIAN #1
                No respect! No respect for your elders!

                                OCTOGENARIAN #2
                And that hair! Long like a girl!

                                OCTOGENARIAN #3
                In my day he'd have been flensed!

Chronal punches the handbag one -

Who falls back, dropping it -

Grabs the bag and fells Octogenarian #4 with it.

                Well, you say all this; I really should point out, though, that in your day racism, sexism and homophobia were actively encouraged moral viewpoints, which is far more rubbish -

                                OCTOGENARIAN #3
                Arrrgh!! Back chat!!! I hate these disaffected youths!

                                OCTOGENARIAN #2
                Of today!!

                And I don't think you even knew about transphobia -

Two of them rush him, approaching from either side -

But he blurs and weaves through them, letting them collide with each other and stagger back, stunned.

                Also, asthma was considered to be a mental condition.

                                OCTOGENARIAN #1
                This is why this country is going to the dogs!!!!


Suddenly he stands tall, eyes burning.

                That is because Boris Johnson remains alive.

They attack anew.


19.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Psychiatric Wing Corridor #1.  Day 1 - 1729

An L-shaped corridor. The FROZEN EMPERORS are now a mere two in number, covered in various injuries and sprinting at top speed along the corridor, terrified; occasionally one throws a bolt of ice back behind him which bounces harmlessly against the walls or floor. Heavy duty doors line the corridor, most open, padded cells visible within. Laughter is audible behind the Emperors, and as they get to the bend of the corridor, one looks around the corner -

- and screams. The corridor ends in blackness. He stops, grabbing his friend.

                                EMPEROR #1 (hysterically)
                It's gone!! All dark!! What do we do now?!

                                EMPEROR #2
                He must have... he must have made it invisible? Surely? It must... just be...

                                EMPEROR #1
                I can't take this! I can't take any more of - !

                                WRAITH('s voice, singing mockingly)
                Poor little buttercup...

Emperor #1 faints. Emperor #2 looks around wildly.

                                EMPEROR #2
                Where are you?!?!?

WRAITH materialises over his shoulder, mouth by his ear.

                Here. Lol.

Emperor #2 faints, and Wraith grins, dropping the invisibility wall over the other half of the corridor -

And freezes, horrified. Guards and the odd prisoner are dead in it, strewn about and mutilated, blood everywhere. Most have had limbs torn off. 'Tis mingin'. At the end of it is a CROUCHING FIGURE in a prisoner jumpsuit, a white waist stripe and deactivated power collar, shoulders shaking slightly as though doing something with his arms, head bowed; as everything becomes visible again he pauses, turning his head enough for us to see the side of his face. His mouth is smeared with blood.

Name: Cannibal
Power: Bestial/enhanced physiology; aquirement of knowledge and memories from consumption of flesh.
Threat Level: White

Wraith slams a hand to the comm in his ear, and activates yellow alert.

                Oh, fuck a Jesus.

                Ha, Wraith, my boy. It's been a while, hasn't it?

                "My boy"? What, have you eaten a professor lately or something?

                Mmm. My psychiatrist, as it goes. We were in session when the collar deactivated.

He moves, rising to his feet and turning -

He's massive, at least seven feet tall and slightly stooped, a bestial look to him; long hair, visible skin on his chest covered in bristles, yellow eyes with large pupils, thin lips pulled back from sharp, large teeth, all covered in blood, and he drops the half-eaten arm of a guard to the floor as he grins at Wraith.

The comm activates.

                                CHRONAL (on comm)
                Hello. How are yours? Mine are telling me I need an ASBO -

                Get here right now. No messing.

                                CHRONAL (on comm)

                Cannibal's out.
                And he's clever now.


20.  EXT(ish).  TV Screen.  Day 1 - 1731

Continued from Scene 13. The prison now has a haze over one side that may be smoke; the police have arrived in force on the mainland, some boats being launched. The masonry of one tower has cracks running through it.

                                HYPERBOLE REES (v/o)
                And they're telling me the DSA is now en route, although who can say if it's not already too late? Meanwhile the inmate roster is still slow to be reported, with Commissioner Morgan saying, and I quote, "Silence, there's no time for questions. Get that god damned microphone out of my face and let me do my job or you'll be sitting on it for the next year."

                                DAI (v/o)
                That sounds like a CONSPIRACY.

                                HYPERBOLE REES (v/o)
                In this humble reporter's opinion, yes it does, Dai. Meanwhile it seems there's an energy field around the prison there - no word yet on whether or not it's causing cancer, by the way - that's killing all electronics that get near, meaning no police boats can approach to take out the terror...fying villains. But would the police be able to handle them anyway, Dai?

                                DAI (v/o)
                And how deadly might these escaping inmates be, Hyperbole?

                                HYPERBOLE REES (v/o)
                I've not been told, but to answer your question, Dai, we don't know if they're strong enough to destroy all of Wales and some bits of Devon or not.

                                DAI (v/o)
                Well... ah, I've just been told that Solar, sister of Scribbler leader Finesse has been called in to try to help with the energy field, and to reactivate the inhibitor collars. The big question, Hyperbole - is this a genuine prison break?

                                HYPERBOLE REES (v/o)
                It's definitely probably a prison break, Dai. The really big question is - who will escape?


21.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Underground Passage.  Day 1 - 1732

Long and dark passage, the only light shining dimly in at either end from the levels above. Mostly it's quiet, but the distant noise of the fighting is audible. PEOPLE are cowering or stumbling through the near-pitch darkness, trying to feel their way out and attacking each other if they find each other -

Except MEDIUM, walking confidently along, moving nimbly between them all, pulling POINT 34 after her, clutching a large sealed box.


22.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - High Security Level.  Day 1 - 1738

A wide corridor, lined with solid two-foot-thick metal doors, most of which are still impregnably closed. Two have been torn open, hanging off their hinges and twisted, the cells within ominously empty; several more are dented outwards, as though the inmates are steadily breaking them down from within, the sound of metal being struck ringing through the corridor. The lights are out, so only the entrance end is lit, the far end receeding into darkness.

FINESSE enters, walking slowly.

                                FINESSE (into her comm)
                So, fortunately, Blueprint designed the doors down here to auto lock when the power cuts out, so most of them are still here right now. Only two open doors so far, no sign of either.

                                SHIFT('s voice)
                Good news! Hey, will Toxic die if I bite her with any venom?


                                SHIFT('s voice)
                Good news!

                It won't affect her. She's universally immune, pretty much.

                                SHIFT('s voice)
                Bad news!

                                CHRONAL('s voice)
                Finesse, Finesse! Cannibal has grown 52 IQ points and a psychiatry qualification. It's the worst news ever, Finesse!

She reaches the first broken, open door and freezes, horrified, staring at the name plate.

                Oh god.

                                CHRONAL('s voice)
                I know! I'm on my way to help him, but -

                No. Not that. Lord Pegasus is out -

The shadows move! A MAN suddenly streaks forward, unnaturally fast -

She turns, too slow -

And is slammed back into the wall by FRENZY with a hand about her throat, the other pinning her wrist to the wall. His eyes look glassy, as though he has a fever. Finesse clocks who it is -

And powers down, going utterly still.

                Oh, Finesse. Of everyone it could have been, I was so hoping it would be you. Don't you want to fight me?


He squeezes his hand, cutting off her breathing; but she stays still, frozen.

                Heh. Your willpower does you proud, of course. But I am literally killing you right now. I won't be stopping. And then I'll go and kill everyone else. You won't fight me off?

When she answers, the words are barely audible.

                I... would be... worse...

                Ha! Very noble! Really? You don't think you could at least aim at the right targets? Because will kill them all. Everyone. I like it, you know.

His hand tightens again, and he laughs.

                                FRENZY (sing-song)
                Do you know, I could stop any time I wanted. But I like it so much...

Behind him the shadows move again -

And out steps a figure at least twelve feet tall, covered in armour with a stylised horse's head for a helmet, legs ending in hooves and enormous wings on its back. It carries a sceptre. When it speaks its voice is loud, but a whisper.

Name: Lord Pegasus
Power: Human/equine physiology; organic armour that shields him from manipulation; super strength, flight; ability to grant Abrahamic 'miracles' through his sceptre
Threat Level: White

                                LORD PEGASUS
                I will burn this world that dared hold me in a prison of men.

Frenzy laughs -

Finesse's free hand clenches -

And is suddenly encased in blue energy, crackling and glowing -

And she punches him hard across the face, hurling him away from her and against the wall opposite as she falls, panting -

And he laughs, watching her, in sadistic enjoyment, as she spins around to Lord Pegasus -

Who has raised his sceptre, the end glowing -

And knocks him off his feet in a surge of blue light. He roars, enraged, the sound almost masking the howl of pain from within one of the cells, while Frenzy turns and walks away to the exit, whistling to himself. Finesse ignores him, her eyes trained on Lord Pegasus; but her eyes have become fevered, a very faint hint of a glimmer to them, like an echo of the way cats' eyes glimmer under light at night.

                                AMITY (on comm)
                Finesse? What the hell has happened? Your brain chemistry's all over the place -

                                FINESSE (urgent; strained)
                Activate Protocol 86. Frenzy is loose. I just engaged him.

CAP: Name: Frenzy
Power: Enhanced speed, strength, durability and agility; production of a primer pheromone that induces an addiction to fighting in the victim if they engage him.
Threat Level: White

In front of her, Lord Pegasus surges to his feet.


23.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - the Library.  Day 1 - 1739

SHIFT and TOXIC still battling; Shift dodges an attack, morphing back to mostly-human, her expression horrified and calculating -


24.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - The Canteen.  Day 1 - 1739

AMITY freezes in the middle of a throng of VILLAINS, all of them suddenly screaming and fleeing her in terror as she instinctively acts -


25.  INT. The Pit - Living Room.  Day 1 - 1739

LYRIC and GEORGE are sitting on a play mat on the floor; Lyric stops and slams a hand to the communicator to one side, jamming it into his ear -


26.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Side Corridor.  Day 1 - 1739

CHRONAL on his way to Wraith drops into real time, completely still; he blurs for a split second, then activates his comm, forcibly calm.

                                WRAITH (on comm)
                Holy Christ on wheels she's going to kill us all! And Cannibal is trying to eat me! This is the worst of times!

                                CHRONAL (swiftly, steadily)
                Silence. Finesse, get out. I'm sending you home.

                                LYRIC('s voice)
                Frap a donkey's inner -

                                SHIFT('s voice)
                You silence too. This is bad enough, you freak. Get off the comm.

                                LYRIC('s voice)
                Guys, Finesse is compromised?! The god damned army have protocols for this! That is Protocol 86!

                                AMITY('s voice)
                Do we activate it?

                Don't. Anyone. Dare. Finesse, get out and go home. You're done for now -

                                FINESSE('s voice)
                I'm fighting Lord Pegasus! I can't go right now! And by the time I'm done the addiction will be full-blown, so stop thinking like my husband and start thinking like a superhero and call the damned army!

                                WRAITH('s voice)
                Not wanting to hijack the pity party but Cannibal is really trying to eat me now! Need back-up!

                                CHRONAL (decisively)
                Right. First person to call the army is fired. Wraith, I'm coming; everyone else, finish what you're doing and get the hell down to Finesse. Lyric - ?

                                LYRIC ('s voice)
                On my way. Natch.


27.  EXT(ish).  TV Screen.  Day 1 - 1736

Continued from Scene 18. Gaolhouse Rock now has several floors being sporadically lit up from within in flashes of colour as people fight inside.

                                HYPERBOLE REES (v/o)
                This just in! Two more Scribblers have arrived - it looked to me like Wraith, Chronal and Shift, but this is unconfirmed! Also, it may be that Finesse is dead!

                                DAI (v/o)
                This may be a NATIONAL TRAGEDY. Who's to blame?

                                HYPERBOLE REES (v/o)
                There'll be a long list the Government will want to examine, I'm sure, but the police, the company that runs Gaolhouse Rock, and of course, media pressure. No word yet on whether or not the Scribblers will now disband in grief if this event has indeed happened, but I for one imagine there'll be some happy single ladies to learn that Chronal is back on the market!

Below, a figure suddenly breaks out of a window and streaks away through the air, flying fast.

                                HYPERBOLE REES (v/o)

                                DAI (v/o)
                That is SOBERINGLY TRUE, Hyperbole.


28.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Psychiatric Wing Observation Room.  Day 1 - 1736

The room is large, rectangular and open, and also is full of rubble from broken walls and bits of ceiling, burn marks all along it where the inmates fled. Upturned, broken furniture - sofas, mostly - are dotted about. WRAITH enters and sprints to one; CANNIBAL enters just as he reaches it and dives behind it, and grins bestially, stepping slowly into the room.

                Oh, Wraith, my boy. Hiding? This isn't Scribbler behaviour, is it? Though I suppose you aren't the strong one of the group.

He takes a long step forward, eyes fixed on the sofa where Wraith's hair is still visible over the top.

                Not that I'm calling you weak, you understand. I daresay you're a very accomplished fighter against other adversaries. Fighting with tricks of the light is very effective. Trouble is -

Suddenly, he shoots a hand out to the side and grips something unseen -

Which fades into the form of Wraith, held by the throat, as the fake projection of him vanishes from behind the sofa. Cannibal grins, eyes fixed on him hungrily.

                I don't rely on sight to hunt.

                                WRAITH (choking)
                Eeeehhhh... baps...

                Mmm. I certainly hope so -

And something suddenly slams into Cannibal, sending him sprawling across the room. Wraith drops to the floor, coughing, and looks up -

CHRONAL is standing over Cannibal. How heroic.

                The free market isn't self-regulating!

There is a pause.

                Dude... there was... literally no set-up... to that.

                                CANNIBAL (puzzled)
                Yes, I must admit, as correct as you are it was something of a non-sequitur.

                It can never be stated enough - wait, what did you just say? Are you really clever now?

                Dude I told you, he ate his psychiatrist.

                                CANNIBAL (dreamily)
                He tasted like veal.

And he kicks out suddenly, knocking Chronal down -

Launches himself on all fours at Wraith -

Who throws a hand up -

And light flares around Cannibal's face, blindingly, dazzlingly bright. Cannibal yelps and snarls, jumping away, and staggers to the door.

                But that was a good trick, boy. Well done! Sadly for you...

He turns to them again, grinning, his eyes unfocused but facing them accurately.

                I really don't need my eyes to hunt.


29.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - the Library.  Day 1 - 1740

SHIFT dodges another acid spray from TOXIC -

Morphs into a red kite and swoops to her face -

Toxic throws up a hand and a green haze is emitted -

And Shift swerves sideways, landing neatly out of range. She morphs human.

                Oh, you know what? Screw this.

And she morphs into an elephant, huge and stampy -

                                SPINDLY, SINISTER VOICE (oov)
                Well, what have we here? Pretty, pretty...

Everyone turns, to see the old, spindly, creeping form of DREADFUL GRETA.

Name: Dreadful Greta
Power: Hypnotic suggestion; intrinsic knowledge of alchemy to create 'potions'; can age and de-age as she hypnotises
Threat Level: Orange

                                DREADFUL GRETA
                Pretty one, yes, we like the changing... won't you be a puppy dog, dearie?

Shift suddenly stiffens for a moment, and then shudders, becoming an Alsatian, docile. Dreadful Greta laughs, becoming younger as she crosses the room to Shift. Toxic grins, and sidles carefully to the door.

                Greta, love, she's all yours. Don't need me, do you?

                                DREADFUL GRETA
                No, no, the poisonous one can go... we like animals. Maybe we can keep it?

Toxic leaves. The other VILLAINS remain in an ill huddle on the floor.

                                DREADFUL GRETA
                We always wanted a tiger. It would have been so nice. Be a tiger for Greta, dearie?

Obligingly, Shift becomes a tiger. Greta coos, stroking her head.


30.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Maximum Security Level.  Day 1 - 1741

Frenzy is gone. As are many of the walls; on either side of the corridor chunks of wall have been torn through, leaving the cells technically open, but the VILLAINS remain inside, terrified and cowering. One is lit up in blue energy and is curled up on the floor of his cell, moaning in pain. LORD PEGASUS and FINESSE are fighting, Finesse using any power at all that comes her way, different energies crackling over her body; her fists are surrounded permanently with a blue aura, and the very slight shine in her eyes has become more obvious. She is also flying.

She throws a blue energy blast at him, which he blocks with his sceptre before charging at her, driving her into a surviving wall -

Which crumbles under the impact, but green energy envelops her, softening the blow; her skin becomes ink black suddenly (to an accompanying scream from another cell) and she kicks him away, sending him spinning down the corridor -

She dives after him, the blue glow increasing around her -

And flies at speed into his chest, actually denting his chest plate where her fists struck -

He grabs her about the waist with one hand -

Smashes her into the floor.


31.  EXT(ish).  TV Screen.  Day 1 - 1741

Continued from Scene 22.

                                HYPERBOLE REES (v/o)
                - and sources are telling me, Dai, that the flying escapee we saw on our screens some   moments ago was Mach 2000, an orange-coded villain whose powers could, under the right circumstances, kill, although no word yet on whether or not he has plans to poison the nearby town of Aberystwyth which he feasibly could -

An upper-storey window is suddenly punched out, and GRANITE can just about be seen on the screen jumping from it, followed by a dirty yellow haze of LONDON FOG. Granite lands unharmed, turns to the sea metres away and jumps in. She does not resurface. The fog speeds away.

                                HYPERBOLE REES (v/o)
                OH MY GOODNESS! THERE GOES ANOTHER ONE! I believe that may have been the Living Statue to Zeus and Aether, but this is unconfirmed! The police are attempting to chase, but they just can't move as fast as Aether!

                                DAI (v/o)
                The real question, Hyperbole, is how many people are now likely to die?

                                HYPERBOLE REES (v/o)
                We don't know for sure, Dai, but in my professional opinion, I'd say loads.

The front door suddenly slams open and TOXIC marches out confidently; as some police step forward along the causeway she raises a hand -

And green vapour billows towards them, making them all turn and run.

                                HYPERBOLE REES (v/o)
                AND ANOTHER! GOSH! I THINK THAT'S TOXIC! YES, AND SHE'S ATTACKING THE POLICE - oh, with, uh, her vapour attack which... yes, which is airborne, so, um, we'll be moving the helicopter now.

                                DAI (v/o)
                Hyperbole, you are SO FEARLESS.

                                HYPERBOLE REES (v/o) (gravely)
                Thank you, Dai.


32.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Maximum Security Level.  Day 1 - 1742

The fight continues, FINESSE now bathed in light and energy.

LORD PEGASUS manages to land a punch, sending her  flying -

She rolls as she lands and looks up -

Taking a split second to wipe the blood from her mouth -

And sees him hurtling towards her, aiming to crush her under hoof -

She flies out at the last second -

Blasting his back with a blaze of fire -

He spins -

Slams her into the wall with the sceptre.

The wall shatters -

But she kicks hard at the dent in his chestplate, her leg enveloped in blue as she does -

He staggers back, snarling, the dent now much deeper.

                                LORD PEGASUS
                Madness, Manipulator! You cannot control me! Do you truly think you can win?

But she doesn't answer, hurling a bolt of lightning at his chest -

Leaving tiny, hairline fractures around the dent -

Before flying in close -

A punch snapping his head to the side, the energies flaring -

Neither hears the whimpering from the cells, as the other VILLAINS look on in terror; but one of them is moaning continually, almost as though they were in agony.


33.  INT.  The Pit - Living Room.  Day 1 - 1742

LYRIC is muttering rapidly, a contraption coalescing into being on the floor; it looks like a capsule, big enough to fit a baby, containing complicated circuitry and stabilisers and with straps forming from it.

Finally he stops -

Pulls out Ystradebol -

And swings as hard as he can at the capsule.

The sword ricochets off -

Decapitates an indoor plant -

And embeds itself in the ceiling.

                On the plus side, that'll be the least of anyone's concerns right now.

Carefully, he picks up GEORGE -

Puts him in the capsule -

And closes it around him.

George goes happily to sleep.

Lyric straps it onto his back -

Retrieves Ystradebol -

And leaves.


34.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Maximum Security Level.  Day 1 - 1743

Masonry and rubble abound, one cell now containing four cowering VILLAINS together, one of them cloaked in his blue light and now screaming in agony; all remaining walls have holes in, and the floor is pitted and broken. LORD PEGASUS seems unaffected except for the huge dent in his breastplate, cracks running from it; FINESSE is now glowing from head to toe with green and blue light, her hair flowing and wild around her.

She surges forward -

Lord Pegasus swings the sceptre -

An energy beam narrowly missing her -

That transforms the wall behind into salt -

And Finesse slams fists first into the dent again -

This time cracking of a section of it.

Lord Pegasus howls with pain -

Hurls her away back-handed -

Smashing her into the top of a wall.

He raises his arm -

And she sends a jet stream of blue energy into the hole in the breastplate.

It fills him, the seams of his armour glowing blue as he screams -

Dropping to his knees -

The staff falling from his hand -

But she doesn't stop -

He screams on and on, his body spasming, the glow getting brighter, the sound layered over the villain in the cell who is also screaming, his body shrivelling and aging -

Until finally Lord Pegasus falls silent, his body being held up only by the energy Finesse is pouring into him.

She stops -

And he falls to the ground, unmoving.

                                VILLAIN (whispering)
                Scribbler... please... you're killing him.

Finesse turns -

The energies snapping around her -

And one of the villains shrinks back, pointing to the screaming, shrivelly one.

                                VILLAIN (desperate)
                You're using too much of his energy! Please! There are... there are other powers you could use? Please!

Finesse watches him for a moment, seems to come to a decision.

She turns -

And begins walking back up the corridor to the exit.

As she walks the light goes out around her, leaving her dark, her face picked out in shadow -

Except her eyes, which gleam brightly, like a cat in the dark.

Her voice doesn't sound like her anymore.

                If even one of you attempts to leave I will kill you all.

She leaves.


35.  Gaolhouse Rock - Top Corridor.  Day 1 - 1744

AMITY is sprinting along the corridor at top speed, throwing out a hand here and there, every villain she passes either running away to hide or sitting down in a sudden malaise.

                Guys, okay, so, I don't want to worry anyone but, um, Finesse is now basically terrifying and also on the move, and Shift's gone all weird too. Someone else please tell me they're doing okay?

                                WRAITH('s voice)
                It's a dystopia.

                Thanks Wraith.


36.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Psychiatric Observation Room.  Day 1 - 1744

CANNIBAL lunges for WRAITH -

Who leaps into the air to avoid him -

Caught by the hover shoes.

Cannibal crashes into the wall behind him -

Knocking a hole and leaving himself slightly dazed for a moment.

                Finesse? Comm still on?

There is a pause.

                                FINESSE ('s voice)
                I'm here.

                Lord Pegasus?

                                FINESSE ('s voice)
                He's... down.

                Good. Go home.

                                FINESSE ('s voice)
                I'm in control. I can stop all of them -

                There is no way you can convince me that isn't the addiction talking, little one, please -

                Well, well...

Chronal quickly turns to Cannibal -

Who plunges both hands into the hole in the wall and pulls -

And hurls a huge chunk of masonry at them both.

Chronal blurs -

And then he and Wraith are in the clear side of the room, out of the way -

And Cannibal is launching himself at them; he hits Chronal and knocks him down, crouching over him, as Wraith scrambles back to his feet behind him.

                                CANNIBAL (whispering)
                Well, well. I assume Finesse has run into Frenzy, then? My, we are all in trouble, aren't we?

                You don't even know, sugar plum.

And he swings a pipe at Cannibal's head!

Which Chronal speeds up!

And Cannibal is sent sprawling. Yay team.

                Cannibal's down. We're on our way.

                She's going to kill us all.

                Shut up.


37.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - the Library.  Day 1 - 1745

SHIFT is now a docile tiger, while DREADFUL GRETA strokes her head.

                DREADFUL GRETA
                Yes, yes! We like the tiger. Let's see you dearie. Let's see Greta's new pet. Show us your human, yes?

Shift morphs human -

And blinks, her human mind re-asserting -

And punches Greta with a gorilla arm, knocking her clean out.

She shakes her head recovering, and sees the collar left behind by Toxic. Shift picks it up, and looks at it thoughtfully.

                Hmm. Distasteful. Hello all, I've lost Toxic and Dreadful Greta's really disgusting, but I have an idea if Lyric can be competent.

                                LYRIC ('s voice)
                Hey! I'm well comp - !

                Shush. Finesse killed anyone yet?


38.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Refectory.  Day 1 - 1745

A large room full of broken dining furniture, an entrance to a kitchen at the far end - a large group of villains (including DARK HAND, the NINTH WIZARD, MONOCHROME MAN, and PATHOS) is gathered and are, in a rare example of villainous co-operation, teaming up to pull the bars off the windows and break through the glass.

There is an explosion from one wall, and bricks burst outwards, leaving a hole two metres above the ground. The villains yell and duck, before turning to see the newcomer -

FINESSE is floating in the air above them, her body rendered entirely into black and white, energies swirling around her fists and her eyes shining a bright, vivid blue, watching them.

                                SHIFT (v/o)
                Because I'm rather afraid she might, you see.


39.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock  - Minor Corridor.  Day 1 - 1746

A short, unused corridor, ending in a high-security fire door with a dial on it like what you get on safes. MEDIUM arrives, followed by POINT 34 with her crate, and approaches it; Medium takes the dial and turns it confidently, the code clicking neatly into place.

                                POINT 34
                There's something I don't understand, child.

                Much. So much. But I expect you mean how I knew all this was happening.

                                POINT 34
                Yes. This is well-planned! And you aren't allowed visitors.

                Because I can see.

She opens the door -

To reveal SINTARO, impeccably dressed in his suit, holding a cigar and smiling. Behind him a steampunk submarine is visible a few metres away at the end of the short jetty, while in the distance the police boats are floating vainly.

                Well done. I had every confidence you'd work it out.

Name: Mr Sintaro
Power: Temporal manipulation
Threat Level: Red

                I didn't work it out. I saw.

He grins.

                Of course. And your aquaintance?

                You will need her.

                                SINTARO (interestedly)
                Indeed? How do you know?

                Because I can see.


40.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Open Cell.  Day 1 - 1748

A small cell, spartan but equipped. The door is wide open, but a MAN (40s, balding, introverted) sits calmly on the bed, immobile, staring at nothing. Every now and again he shakes his head slightly, then stills. He ignores the VILLAINS sprinting past outside, even when a small group run past screaming, chased by a TIGER.

There is movement at the door, and he looks up. A SPECTRAL FIGURE, human-shaped but made of light, steps into the room. He stares at it for a moment.

                You. I've seen you before.
                I never talked. Never said a word. And I won't, no matter how long they'll keep me. There's no need for...
                I've seen you before. It's Spooky, isn't it?

The spectral figure solidifies and becomes human, revealing Spooky (30s, harsh, Venezuelan).

                Ghostlight, now; but that was a codename I used once. Also, stop rambling at me. I'm not here to kill you.

                You're... not?

                You are obtuse. But loyal. I am here to reward you. You're going to be taken to our operation in Jersey.

                                MAN (hopefully; happy)
                I am?

                Of course. Latent always rewards loyalty.


41.  INT.  Gaolhouse Rock - Upper Corridors.  Day 1 - 1750

AMITY is sprinting at top speed through the corridors; every villain she passes bursts into hysterical tears and sinks to the floor. RAVEN is flying above her.

                I am really going to be putting in a lot of psychiatric overtime tonight.

Raven croaks.

                And go away. As much as I'm really enjoying having a dæmon, where I'm going you will definitely die -

She rounds the corner and slips suddenly, managing to twist impressively so she lands safely on her side and skidding on a few feet. The floor is covered in two inches of ice, as are the walls, and as she looks up a TOAD-LIKE VILLAIN with mottled white and grey skin drops from the ceiling towards her -

She rolls easily away and flips into a crouch, facing him.

                                AMITY (through gritted teeth)
                I do not have time for this!

                                TOAD-LIKE VILLAIN
                A ha! But now you must fight -

                                LYRIC ('s voice)

Enter LYRIC! Strapped to his back is a papoose of his own invention, forming an egg-shaped capsule containing GEORGE, who is sleeping peacefully. He is holding Ystradebol, and looks badass. (Lyric, that is. Not George.)

                You can't risk George with Finesse!

                Nah, but I can handle this tool. Go.


                And give this to Shift.

He throws her a tiny piece of tech, all wires and circuitry and clips. Amity catches it.

                I really hope this works.

She leaves. Lyric grins.

                Right then - who the hell are you?

                                TOAD-LIKE VILLAIN
                Me? Your doom, Scribbler! For I am - the Choad!!!

CAP: Name: The Choad.
Power: Toad-like physiology giving a super-jump and super strength; also low-level cryokinesis.
Threat Level: Yellow

Lyric freezes, and stares at him, agape.

                You - ?
                But -
                I don't -
                You're called... the Choad?

                                THE CHOAD
                That's right, Scribbler!! Because, you know, I'm sort of toady, and also the ice thing, so I thought 'Chilly Toad', and then I just put them together -

                And you didn't check Urban Dictionary first?!

                                THE CHOAD (Suddenly self-conscious)
                Er... no?

Lyric bursts out laughing.

Doubles up.

Choad looks sad.


42.  Gaolhouse Rock - Refectory.  Day 1 - 1751

The room is now far more thoroughly destroyed than it was before even. Unconscious VILLAINS are lying everywhere, many bleeding copiously or showing other signs of extensive trauma. DARK HAND, MONOCHROME MAN, NINTH WIZARD and PATHOS are the only ones left standing by now, and are doing their best to fight together, currently sheltering behind a shield thrown up by the Ninth Wizard. FINESSE is in the air, attacking them with astonishing ferocity - a huge pulse of black energy explodes against the shield, sending huge cracks running down the remains of the walls and leaving a shallow impact crater in the floor below the villains.

                                DARK HAND (desperately)
                This is insane! What - ?

Another black energy pulse surges at them, and the Ninth Wizard cries out as his force shield vanishes suddenly -

Monochrome Man screams as he tries to pull the energy back into his body. Most is reabsorbed -

But the remainder explodes around them -

Hurling them back across the floor.

Finesse swoops after them -

Pathos' body glowing as Finesse uses it to pull down lightning -

Which scythes towards the Ninth Wizard -

Who manages to get a new force shield up just in time -

The lightning arcing away. They are bleeding, and broken, Pathos now unconscious. The Ninth Wizard stares at him, trembling under the strain.

                                MONOCHROME MAN
                I can't keep... she's taking too much - !

                                NINTH WIZARD (distantly)
                The boy is down.

                                DARK HAND
                Scribbler! Scribbler please! You're killing us -!

                Get back to your cells.

                                DARK HAND (screaming)
                We can't!!

                Then I will contain you.

The black energy builds again, Monochrome Man screaming -

It swirls and coalesces into a cloud, solid black, blocking out all light with the sound of roaring wind -

Finesse jerks suddenly as though seeing something new, tensing -

And the cloud vanishes abruptly -

Finesse dropping from the air -

To land neatly in a three-point crouch, the colour snapping back over her body, eyes still gleaming -

Dark Hand, Monochrome Man and the Ninth Wizard are all gone. In their place are CHRONAL, AMITY, WRAITH and SHIFT.

There is a pause.

                                CHRONAL (gently)
                Please, little one. Power down. You've done it.


                It's true, you crazy loon. Solar's outside and has done something complicated I chose not to understand. The power is about to come back on.

                I need to catch him.

She stands. They shift slightly, clearly fighting the urge to assume battle stances.

                Who? Who do you - ?

                Frenzy. I let... I let him out, he's gone, I -

                That's for us to -

                No! I'm already infected! I can shut off his powers, don't you see? It won't matter if I do it! I'm already - I can save -

She trails off, her gaze intense - she's swaying slightly, sweating, her eyes gleaming and shining as she scrutinises them, hands clenching and unclenching into fists.

                                FINESSE (coldly)
                You'll stop me.

                                CHRONAL (quietly)


                Guys - !

Finesse blurs, and Amity cries out, crumpling to the floor -

Wraith turns abruptly invisible, reflexively -

Shift's eyes transform into a fly's, scanning for Finesse -

Chronal stands his ground, holding out an arm.

                                CHRONAL (commandingly)
                No one move. We are not fighting you, Finesse -

                Look out!

He ducks just in time -

As Finesse appears behind him, ready to attack.

Shift morphs into a fly -

And zips after her -

Finesse drops Chronal's powers -

And winks invisible.

Shift drops into dog form, sniffing.

                Lame. Those are mine, you loser.

Shift looks up abruptly, growling -

And yelps -

As her body morphs against her will -

And she becomes a tree -

Her roots punching easily through the already ruptured floor.

                No! Two down! Loses!

Chronal blurs -

And appears by a reviving Amity's side, who is now standing again, wincing.

                Man, she hits hard -

And she strikes! Throwing out a hand -

There is a cry from Finesse -

Who becomes visible again -

Falling -

Chronal blurs -

And appears behind her -

Gripping her tightly and pinning her arms back, holding her in a kneeling position.

Amity kneels in front of her, eyes closed -

Holding her hands to Finesse's temples. Tears are falling down Finesse's face.

                                FINESSE (desperate)
                Please! Please, don't -

                                AMITY (quietly)
                I'm so sorry.

                                CHRONAL (strained)
                Wraith! Quick!

Wraith approaches -

Pulling out the inhibitor collar left behind by Toxic. It now has Lyric's piece of technology clipped to it.

As he nears he presses a button on the side -

And the light on the collar comes on.

                Dude, what are you doing to her?

                Compassion. You know how protective she is of us normally?


                Oh. Baps.

He puts the collar around her neck and snaps it into place -

And Finesse convulses, screaming, held in place only by Chronal -

Who pulls her firmly into his arms -

And holds her until she goes limp.

There is a silence.

                I never want to do that again.

                I agree.


                I'm really not arguing.

                So, Shift is Tree Child now. What do?

                Get Lyric to make a depowerer, hit her with it. When Eraser did that she reverted human again.

Around them, the lights suddenly come back on again as power is restored.

Chronal stands up, holding Finesse easily.

                I'm going home.

He leaves.

                So... reckon I can convince Shift to call herself Tree Child - ?



43.  EXT (sort of).  TV Screen .  Day 1 - 2034

It is now night. HYPERBOLE REES (40s, tabloid journalist, liar) is standing in front of Gaolhouse Rock, which is lit up with searchlights. DSA agents are moving everywhere, with equipment being carried in. Emergency vehicles abound.

                                HYPERBOLE REES
                ... and as you can see, both survivors and the bodies of the BRAVE GUARDS killed today are still being found and removed. Parts of the prison are being condemned as unsafe, although there are unconfirmed reports of a bidding war between Blueprint HQ and the still-recovering Arden Industries to rebuild it better, and who can say how harsh a contest that will prove to be?

                                DAI (v/o)
                Any word yet on how many dangerous villains are now back at large, Hyperbole?

                                HYPERBOLE REES
                Not yet, Dai, but in this humble reporter's estimation, I'd say squillions. Although Commissioner Morgan has put the figure at closer to 23. Given that Gaolhouse Rock holds up to 230 lethal supervillains at any one time though, Dai, we can all be grateful for the incredible actions of the Scribblers today.

                                DAI (v/o)
                Any Scribblers still on the scene, Hyperbole?

                                HYPERBOLE REES
                Yes indeed, Dai - as far as we can tell, Amity of the Scribblers went to nobly huge lengths to secure our safety today by making the inmates catatonic, and is now heroically fixing them all, although I'm sure many will feel she should now leave them as they are. Also Shift and possibly Wraith are here, though with Wraith, who can say? It seems Finesse was indeed injured earlier, although I'm sad to inform any hopeful single ladies that she has survived, so no Chronal to play the scene!


44.  INT.  Medical Bay - the Pit.  Day 1 - 2035

A room with three padded walls and a glass viewing wall has been constructed at one end of the medical bay, containing a comfortable-looking but simple bed. FINESSE is curled into the foetal position on it, cocooned in a quilt, still wearing the inhibitor collar; she is rocking very slightly, shivering and sweating, her eyes still gleaming like a cat in the dark. She looks exhausted. A screen outside the room is displaying her vitals. CHRONAL is sitting in an armchair on the other side of the glass, watching her, his gaze continually returning to the screen to check she's okay.

                Do you need more sedative?

                I don't know.


                I'm so sorry.

                It absolutely wasn't your fault. You know that.

                I feel like...

They watch each other for a moment.

                I miss you.

He leans forward, both hands on the glass.

                Listen. Listen to me. You are going to get through this. You're going to be fine, understand? This is going to feel horrible, but you're going to be fine. And I am not going anywhere until you are.

                What if...


                I want to hit something, so badly. I want to just - I want to punch the walls or something. What if I do? What if I - ?

                Oh, you even try and I will be in there and sedating you before you even start the swing. I've got you. Understand? I'm here. We'll get through this.


                I love you.

                I love you.


45.  EXT (sort of).  TV Screen .  Day 1 - 2036

Continued from Scene 43.

                                HYPERBOLE REES
                ... although, of course, we will ALL DIE if this is the case - ah, a Scribbler! Shift! Shift, will you talk to us? Shift!

SHIFT appears from off screen. She gives Hyperbole a disdainful look.

                I'm certain you don't need me for your fanciful stories.

                                HYPERBOLE REES
                Shift, can you tell us what caused the breakout? How did this happen, and crucially, why should the taxpayer complain about it?

                Because the taxpayer is an idiot, I should think. Sorry. It's been a bad day. Um... we still don't know, but best guess is that it was attacked from the outside to extract someone specific. We don't know who. Please go away.

She leaves. Hyperbole turns triumphantly back.

                                HYPERBOLE REES
                And there we have it, Dai! Carnage, so that a villain could free their crony, or partner in crime! So the big question is -


46.  INT.  Niobe'S Palace.  Day 1 - 2036

An Ancient Greek-style palace, all marble and statues and the like. THE GREAT NIOBE (30s, vague, ruthless) is reclining on a sofa, wearing a black chiton and multicoloured jewellery - around her are her NIOBIDS, all identical and wearing black chitons too, serving her in various ways. She is watching the news on a huge plasma TV screen across one wall. As HYPERBOLE REES speaks, the list of escapees is scrolling past at the bottom of the screen.

                                HYPERBOLE REES (on screen)
                Who was the object of the operation? And why were they needed so badly?

The names scroll past - London Fog, Toxic, Granite, Frenzy, Point 34, Medium -

Niobe smiles, and claps once. The TV goes blank.

                Oh, darling, do you truly think no one will spot it? Silly, silly... oh what's his name agai - Sintaro. Silly, silly Sintaro.

She rises, and the Niobids hurry to follow her. Some are carrying golden plates of grapes.

                Well... why not? I think it's time.

She leaves.


47.  INT.  Niobe's Palace - corridor.  Day 1 - 2037

NIOBE striding down a corridor filled with marble busts and tapestries, attended by NIOBIDS.


48.  INT.  Niobe's Palace - Dungeon Room.  Day 1 - 2038

A spartan room, adequately furnished with a bed and a chair and nothing else, all white, but for the walls. Patterns and pictures have been scratched into the walls; at one end are basic patterns, shapes, stick figures, which evolve as the eye moves across the walls to balloon figures like a child's drawing, which give way to more complex and sophisticated creations until, on the other side of the door, a life-like rendering of Niobe herself has been lovingly scratched into the paintwork. A female NIOBID, identical to all the others, sits patiently on the chair, looking at nothing in particular but with a far-away gaze to her.

She blinks suddenly, apparently coming to.

There is the sound of a lock being turned. The door opens.

Enter NIOBE who moves to stand in front of the seated Niobid, and beams at her. The Niobid looks up at her patiently.

                Hello, darling! Did you see? Were you watching? Silly man.

The Niobid nods.

                She'll strengthen him.

                Yes. Though I shouldn't think unduly. Not if we counterstrike. I know how to cripple him.

She beams at the Niobid.

                Oh, darling. Mummy has a job for you.

The End.


Gracierocket said...

I loved everything about this! And we finally got to see the other Scribblers have to take Finesse down, which I've been waiting to see for AGES, since we've had so many conversations about it! Really nicely done - the rehab scene almost made me cry.

Big fan of Lyric's deeply irresponsible babysitting! I mean, come on, don't they have NEIGHBOURS??!!

Also yes, lots of Scribblers fighting and using their powers in exciting ways!

Quoth the Raven said...

IN LYRIC'S DEFENCE all superheroes are ready to try and stop the jailbreak, and if anyone else is given a Scribble Baby it would be inviting villains to kidnap the damn thing. Or so I reason it, anyway, and that makes it all okay and absolves him of all wrongdoing although, admittedly, I will never call upon him to babysit.

(Invincible stasis-pod baby carrier, mind. That's all I'm saying.)

I am thrilled you nearly cried at the rehab. I enjoyed writing that. I'm treating Finesse quite badly at the minute really, but I've got something big coming up for her during Tartaromachy, so it's fine.

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Unknown said...

I love the intro! My brain died after so much reading but it would make a hilarious audio.