Monday, 27 July 2009

An attempt to level up in Photoshop

Neither of these are serious. Just scans of doodles.


Anonymous said...

I think these are awesome, Wiggz! You should get in touch with events organisers in your area. I bet they'd love to have personally designed sketches to put on their fliers. Could be a good way of Making Money Through Art.

Blossom said...

Sorry, it's Blossom. Don't know why it says anonymous.

Quoth the Raven said...

Brilliant! Loved the effect of the feathers on the first one; it reminded me vaguely of a book I had in my childhood that I loved, but I can't remember what it was. I always like that sort of stylised effect, though, very good. Colouring/shading on the second is outstanding, especially on the lower half of the guy's body. And I actually giggled out loud at 'Killing People and some other stuff.'

Jom said...

Can't wait to get down to Billy's Bap Pit. Billies and Baps. Lush. Sounds like it's going to kick off. Consider me there.

Steffan said...

I'd definitely go to that event. Very moody - I love that your artwork has a consistent atmosphere to it, and a great one at that.

"Quietly bleak" - I think that's what I'd call it. In case you want a tagline for a portfolio.