Saturday, 17 January 2009

3 of 52


Quoth the Raven said...

I groaned, but I still loved it. That's the kind of joke I tell my dad, only for him to ring me back a week later to sadly inform me of how he told everyone in his work and none of them laughed.

Although, Jom, really: "Bum Cinema"?

Jester said...

I loved it also, but I have to agree with Quoth: "Bum Cinema"? The name I might have passed uncommented, but the logo?

You know, I have to admit the lemon did remind me of 10 minutes of my life that were utterly well-spent. I regret nothing.

Blossom said...

I don't get it! I'm really sorry - clearly some kind of idiot, but I don't get it! Explain?? :-)

Jom said...

One of the Tate and Lyle, Turnery prize winners this year did something with a lemon. It was probably profound. Ask Jester about it. I just thought it was amusing. Apologies for the Bum reference - I drew it in about twenty minutes so it all suffers from untidiness (no borders, wonkiness etc.). Ah well, such is the nature of self-imposed deadlines and laziness.

Blossom said...

Ah, that's all right then - I just didn't get the reference! Thanks! PS: How can I set my profile picture to the cartoon me?

Jester said...

The Turner prize winner did a 1hour film about his ideas on art, the last ten minutes of which culminated in showing a lemon in varying shades of light. I enjoyed it. Many didn't.

Quoth the Raven said...

Do you have a copy of cartoon you, Blossom? If so, just go to your dashboard (possibly clicking your name will work; otherwise click 'sign in' at the top of the page) and then click 'Edit Photo'. You can upload it there.

Steffan said...

I needed the explanation, but I liked it anyway - the idea that arty types like weird Turner-prizey gifts as well as art.

And I love Bum Cinema! Apologise for nothing!