Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Carnival: Who Killed The Praetorian? Part One


Quoth the Raven said...


Steffan said...

Hurrah! I'm a cowboy! With a scarf! Good post, that man.

Quoth the Raven said...

Anyway, now that I've calmed down sufficiently I shall write a proper comment IT'S AMAZING!!! Ah. Apparently proper comments are still beyond me.

You've got Iceduck sort of looking like the Master, you know. He'll be thrilled. Anyway, I'm still loving this to bits - Praetorian's dead, eh? With an Omega symbol graffiti'd onto his poster? Heh heh...

(And dating a terrorist?!)

Jom said...

Heehee - you wouldn't believe how much fun I had casting people as different things in my mind.


Anonymous said...

Hello there, fellow vis-commer! Amazing comic man! As usual you put the rest of us to shame.

P.S. It's Mike from Uni.

Quoth the Raven said...

Do you know, I can't stop reading this. Every time I sign in at the moment I keep coming back here. I suspect it's because the whole tone and setting are so far up my street they live in my house. Also: thumbs up from my sister.

Jester said...

Well this is ridiculously awesome. I love the style, the tone, plot and the artwork is consistently ace. The portraiture is something special.