"You're nothing more than a mouthpiece.""And what does that make you?""That makes me the voice.""Then surely all this is YOUR doing?""Does that even matter at this stage?""I suppose not.""Then why not go downstairs?""I can't.""You won't, you mean.""Yes, fine - I won't.""You can't avoid it forever, Amos.""What happens to me if I go down there?""You, Reverend, will become a hero and a god."---[iknewyouwould]---
"Are you sure about this, Reverend?" asked Mrs Allaway.
"Absolutely certain," replied William Amos. "You've done a lot for us at the parish over the years, and it's time we repaid you."
"But a house makeover!" said Mrs Allaway. "That's bound to cost a pretty penny."
"We've got plenty of labourers in the congregation," said Bill. "I assure you we won't spend any money we don't have."
"You're a good man, Bill," said the old woman. "And fancy getting me this bed and breakfast too! It's like being on my holidays."
"Just to double-check," said Bill. "You do have home insurance, don't you?"
"Honestly, Bill, I'm sure you're not going to blow up the house or anything!" She saw that Bill was still waiting for a response. "Yes, I have insurance."
"Great!" smiled Bill.
"'And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing,'" read the Reverend. "Which comes back to last week's sermon on Moses. He had knowledge, received from God, and that gave him power. But without the necessary determination, and the goodness, this knowledge would have been useless. Last week, I said that Moses was an ordinary man - but this week, I ask you to consider the alternative. Moses was an extraordinary man - an able leader, willing to do anything for the sake of his people." He paused. "Hymn two-two-seven."
"Any chance of seeing the house today?" asked Mrs Allaway after the service.
"No!" exclaimed Bill. "I mean - I'd prefer it if you waited until it was ready. And we're not working on it today. Sabbath and all."
"Very Old Testament of you," smiled Mrs Allaway.
"I know it's all sacred," smiled Bill, "But I must admit that I'm an Old Testament man at heart."
Suddenly, a man arrived at the church - a builder who'd been helping Bill Amos work on Mrs Allaway's house.
"It's gone," he said. "The whole thing's gone up in flames."
Mrs Allaway gawped.
"How did this happen?" said Bill quietly.
"They're still not sure. It came from underground - the explosion, I mean. Nothing we could have done to prevent it. Fortunately, no-one was hurt, and the fire service managed to control the fire ... but the whole house is gone."
"The lord works in mysterious ways," said Mrs Allaway. "Think - any other day, and I could've died."
"We also removed most of your possessions to help us paint the house," said Bill. Already, he was feeling quite awkward.
"And after the house price crash last week too," said Mrs Allaway. "I'll be able to buy a nice little place outside of the town ..."
When Silas entered the living room, Bill didn't even lift his head from the paper he was reading.
"Want another prediction?" he asked snidely.
"Leave me in peace," said Bill. "And get that look off your face."
"What look?" asked Silas defensively.
"That stupid smirk, like you're performing some astounding trick. It's annoying."
"Aren't you impressed by my predictions?"
And at this point, Bill dropped the paper.
"You blew up a house!"
"I did not!"
"You must have had something to do with that explosion," said Bill.
"They'll learn the details in a few days' time," said Silas, his smirk returning. "Then you'll know I couldn't have had anything to do with it."
"I'm not interested," said Bill. "Mrs Allaway's safe. You're a psychopath. And an annoying one at that."
"But you're a hero!" said Silas. "You're saying that that's not what you want?"
"I'm a vicar, Silas," said Bill coldly. "Believe it or not, that's not the sort of profession one enters for personal glory. Quite the opposite."
"But you want to make a difference."
"No," said Bill. "Don't do that. No armchair psychology for me, thank you very much."
"Alright, time for another ultimatum."
"Stop it."
"In a few months' time, there'll be a general election."
"I'm ignoring you."
"Which of the major parties get in is irrelevant." Silas licked his lips and grinned. "World War Three is coming. The United Kingdom versus the United States. And we're talking nuclear."
Bill looked up.
"Now," continued Silas. "I could predict more things to prove that I'm always right, but you're a clever man. We don't have much time. Only one man can prevent this war."
"And who's that?"
"Mr Pugh."
"Mr Pugh?!"
"That's right."
"Mr Pugh retired because of high blood pressure," said Bill. "Asking him to return to politics ... you might as well ask him to kill himself."
"He has to. And he has to become Prime Minister. He's the world's only hope." Silas grinned more widely still. "Well - him and you."
"You need to be there! To offer him advice!"
"And what makes me so qualified to offer advice?" asked Bill.
"You've got me!"
"I'm going to be honest with you, Alex," said Bill. "Because honesty's important, and I think too many problems are caused by hiding this kind of thing."
"What's the m-matter, Reverand?" asked Mr Pugh.
"I'm being harassed," said Bill. "And I think he's dangerous. But I also think he can predict the future."
"That d-doesn't sound p-possible ..."
"Maybe not, but I don't think being stupid about this is sensible," said Bill. "He's too confident. He knows what he says is true, and he's willing to prove it over and over if I don't believe him." He took a deep, cleansing breath. "Alex, he predicted that Mrs Allaway's house would explode."
"B-but ..." stammered Mr Pugh. "That would've b-been impossible to p-predict. A m-mine from the war, unexploded until now?"
"He also predicted the Unpredictable Housing Crash, as they call it," said Bill. He saw a look of dawning realisation on Mr Pugh's face; he could remember Bill's rise to fame as the insightful vicar. "And now he's predicting bad news for the entire world ... unless you become Prime Minister."
"Now, Reverend, you know I c-can't ..."
"Let me do all the work, Alex," said Bill. "Let me shoulder the responsibilities. You focus on what made you great in the first place - your leadership skills, your charisma, your ideas ..."
"You're asking a lot, Bill," said Mr Pugh. "My d-daughter's leaving for Uni in a f-few months, and you know how much t-trouble this stutter can cause me ..."
"Obviously, I ..." started Bill.
"But I'll do it," said Mr Pugh. "I t-trust you, and I know you wouldn't have asked unless you t-truly believed what you said."
"Thanks, Alex." Bill rose to his feet. "Let me know when you're ready, and let me handle any paperwork or anything that I can do for you."
The two men stood up, and shook hands. They said their goodbyes, and Bill left, cursing Silas for having ever appeared in his life.